Pilot: +256 759 744 111
Off Namulondo Rd


 Steelworks Overview

Steelworks Ltd is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to promoting a diverse workplace. We strive to attract and retain exceptional individuals regardless of their gender, race, color, religion, age, disability, marital status or other characteristics unrelated to the skills and abilities required for job performance. We value our people by attracting, developing, and recognizing outstanding individuals, and by caring for them. Employment decisions are based on an individual’s knowledge, skills, abilities, job performance and other qualifications.

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Our Values​

Reliability – You can count on us!

Integrity – Conduct business through strong ethical standards, transparency and honesty

Attitude – Promote the positive attitude and eagerness required to deliver successful projects to our clients.

Innovation – Innovation in everything, from products to processes.

Diversity – Diverse products, diverse workforce